Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dating Adventures In Cottage Country!

I met a guy on the subway. He usually rode the same car as I did to go to work each morning and  we could talk about just about anything. He was always a perfect gentleman. We both worked down town right across the street from each other so the probability was really high that some day we would meet at the food court when buying lunch.We had only known each other a short time when that day came around. I was eating by myself when he wandered over with his tray and asked if he could sit with me. I agreed and we spent the rest of our lunch hour talking and laughing about almost nothing. I kept looking at him and realized what a nice handsome guy that he was. But as often is the case, looks can be deceiving.

He told me that he was divorced and that he found it a little hard to get back into the dating scene. I agreed as I was also divorced as well so I understood what he was taking about. He said that he was surprised that I was divorced, he said that my ex must have been a moron to let me go. I said that it was nice of him to say that. “Well its true!” he said. “From what I know of you, I would love it if you would go out with me”. So we ended up agreeing to go on a date together.

We had so many things in common. It was inevitable that we very quickly hit it off in a major way.We had both come from somewhat bad relationships so it was to our mutual advantage to try to slow things down as much as possible, even though that was hard to do on my part. As time went on and we began to talk about the next step in our relationship we both confided in each other that we had not engaged in sex with anyone since our divorces. Needless to say, both of us were quite nervous about that. In any event, we decided to make the trek up to his cottage the following weekend for a romantic getaway.

Well the day came and he drove down to my house to pick me up for our romantic weekend get away. As a matter of fact that’s exactly what I should have told him, “GET AWAY”, but like a love starved teenager I had fallen for a handsome face and a sad story. His idea of a cottage certainly did not match mine. It was a real fixer upper all right!  In the end, we had to sleep in a very small tent that he set up. We ate first. It was not much because we had to cook over an open fire, which was not that bad. When we finally crawled into bed I was exhausted. As I stretched out, something moved under my hand. I was looking at the biggest garter snake I had ever seen! I screamed like the girl I was and ran terrified into the night in terror. He ran after me asking what he could do. I told him to get a bigger tent, like the kind a circus uses, and a queen size bed minimum. I told him that the only type of snake I was expecting to see was a trouser snake, and I had hoped it would be a good sized one too.

The next morning I politely packed my things, thanked him for a somewhat interesting evening and told him that I just didn't think it would work. He drove me home without saying a word. I really felt sorry for him but there was nothing else I could do. I had to do what was best for me.

That night my friend told me about a fantastic link she visited that took her to hundreds of great dating sites. Since I had nothing to lose I decided to give it a try.

I had almost given up hope again after several months of being on more than one dating site. I would have quit if my sister and friends did not keep encouraging me. I mean, I had chatted and emailed a bunch of different guys, and had even gone out with a few, but there was just no chemistry. It was at this low point in my online dating adventure that I stumbled onto 'him'. If God had custom built a man for me, he would be it. And who knows, maybe God had. I mean, after all, I had been praying long enough! In any event, it was almost scary how well we seemed to be meshing. We talked online for several weeks and then he gave me his phone number and asked me to give him a call. When I called him he seemed to sound a little familiar but I could not remember where I heard that voice. I could not believe how easy and natural it was for me to talk to him. I mean, by the second phone call we seemed to be completing each others thoughts already. He was just perfect! I was so elated I had that link given to me. It was the best gift ever! I was bouncing around like a teenager. Bubbling with enthusiasm and overjoyed. All my friends noticed and remarked on it!What a joy he brought to my life!

We had a bit of a strange relationship in a way because I had never actually seen a picture of him. Whenever I had broached the subject, he said that he did not take good pictures and that he wanted me to see him face to face first.The day finally came for me to meet my prince charming but something was not quite right when we spoke on the phone the night before. He said he was pretty sure that I would take a powder as soon as I saw him. I was starting to be concerned that the guy looked like Shrek or something! I assured him I would never do that.

Instead of him picking me up, he said that it would be a lot better if I could meet him at his cottage. So we agreed and he gave me directions to his place. Once I was on the road, some things about the scenery seemed familiar to me. Then like a ton of bricks, it hit me. This is where the snake guy lived! Holy Cow! What had I gotten into? I almost turned around and left, but I had given him my word, so I was determined to see it through to the end. He flagged me down a few hundred feet from where I was supposed to meet him. It was him alright! No wonder he had been concerned!

As he walked up to the car, I was scrambling around inside looking for something to deck him with. I finally decided that my purse was the only viable weapon. He caught my hands before I could do anything, told me to calm down and wait to see the rest of his surprise before I reacted. We walked the rest of the way to where we had set up the tent so long ago. I kept looking for snakes, so I was not paying that much attention. When he told me to look up, I was stunned! There standing before me was the most beautiful cottage I had ever seen. He said that he had loved me from the moment he had met me, but realized after that disastrous night that he had to do something extraordinary to get me to consider him again.

He told me he decided to finish the cottage for me first, because I deserved something special and nice. He took out a loan and used all his savings. He did all that just for me! “WOW!” I was overwhelmed. I began to cry to think that someone could care about me so much.

That was several years ago and things are still great between us. We married a year later and life could not be any better for either of us.

So I met the love of my life on a dating site. I know that technically that is not quite true, but it was the dating site that let me see the real person that he was rather than the person I thought I had known before. And if that seems confusing, you would be totally perplexed by the thoughts going around in my head right now as I think about all this. I thank my friend every day for what she did for me. She is truly a once in a lifetime pal.

So if you are in that same lonely situation that I was in, and see no way out, then click the link below. It was my key to happiness, and hopefully it can be yours as well.

Meet The Love of Your Life

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